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Top 10 New Year Resolution Ideas for 2020 to make you Happy & Successful

According to research and statistics, only 8% of the people who make New Year Resolutions are actually able to keep them. People usually start off with determination but forget about it by the next month. Regardless of whatever your New Year eve’s plans might be, there is one tradition you must uphold and that is making a New Year resolution. The very first day of the year is the perfect time to reprioritize your life and in order to do that set goals for the upcoming months. One thing you need to keep in mind is that your New Year resolution should be simple and achievable otherwise you’ll be done away with all your resolutions within the first month of 2020. We have handpicked some of the popular and beneficial New Year resolution ideas 2020for you:

Increase your savings is good New Year resolution

If you are the type of person who ends up being bored at the end of the month then this is your call. Besides, you might have plans and dreams for your future and let’s be honest here- none of your plans are going to work out if you do not have the correct funding for them. So, start now, prepare a budget for everything and strictly stick to it. Some cheat days are allowed but make sure the rest of your paycheck gets saved in the bank. Even if you end up saving a small amount, that too will give you an appropriate cushioning for your future.

Work towards a healthier body

Eat more and more veggies this year and exercise regularly. It may seem easy but it starts getting tougher as the days progress. Remember your body is more important than any other thing in the world. Don’t excessively feast on junk food and party all the time instead of say yes to healthier living.

Quit Smoking is the Good New Year resolution

We all know that smoking kills! Smoking is bad for your entire body and your brain too. Not only you but it affects the people around you in a nastier way. Why let a petty addiction ruin your and others’ lives? In 2020, make a foolproof plan to quit smoking gradually and stick to it.

Limit your alcohol consumption

You really don’t need to indulge in alcohol consumption to have fun. Cut down your alcohol intake and say hello to a heavier pocket, healthy liver, better mood, sleep, skin, and immune system. Plus, it will help you maintain better relationships and a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.

Say No to Negativity

Every time someone hurts you, you can choose to hold on to the grudge, think of revenge or simply forgive the person. Let go of all the feelings of bitterness and develop a positive outlook towards life. A negative perspective only degrades our mind and drains us of happiness. Be kind, help others, stop back bitching and instead learn to forgive.

Read more books

January 2020 would surely be the best time to snuggle with a book and develop a book reading habit. Read every day, even if it is just a couple of pages. You could try different methods like opening a Goodreads account and keeping a track of all the books you read. By next year you could have a clear picture of how well you did.

Own a plant

Studies suggest that even the presence of indoor plants can lower your stress levels and caring for them calms the autonomic nervous system and lowers blood pressure. Besides, when people work near plants, greater concentration, satisfaction and better air quality has been reported.

Volunteer for Social work is the best New Year resolution idea

Do your part and yours shall be done! This new year, make a promise of helping the society and doing your part to save Mother Nature. It is a great time to clean up a park or help at an animal shelter or help the needy. Research shows that pitching in social activities regularly can lower stress levels and it sure does improve your outlook and nature towards life.

Stay organized

You can hardly find what you need through all the clutter you spread throughout the house. Make a New Year resolution of cleaning your house every once in a while. Keep your stuff organized, that would increase your productivity and keep you devoid of stress.

Find a new hobby

When you have made an oath to start a better lifestyle, then finding new hobbies to indulge in is but mandatory. Here is the day where you can start what you always wanted to. Start photography, painting, traveling, Adventures, blogging or anything that gets rid of your boredom and fills your heart with contentment.


TGI Team

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