
Health Benefits of Using Prescribed X-RAYS for Dental Checkup

When you face oral problems, your dentist will do a visual examination to find the specific problems in your mouth. You should know that a visual examination can’t deliver all the necessary information; that is where X-rays can be beneficial.

Dental X-rays are also known as radiographs, containing images of your teeth through which a dentist can evaluate your overall health. These X-rays help a dentist to detect oral problems, like tooth decay, cavities, and impacted teeth.

Dental X-rays may seem complex, but they are common tools to find out the oral problems that are not visible to naked eyes. In this post, we shall discuss the health benefits of using prescribed X-rays for a dental checkup. Let’s read on.

Types of Dental X-rays

Before hopping on to the benefits of these X-rays, let’s know about the different types of dental X-rays. The different types of dental X-rays are used to capture different views of your mouth. The most common types are intraoral X-rays, like

1.  Bitewing

By using this technique, your dentist will find out whether the crowns of your teeth matchup or not. In Bitewing, you need to bite down on a special piece of paper to give your teeth impressions. This technique is also used to find out the cavities between the teeth.

2.  Occlusal

Occlusal X-rays are taken on the closed jaws to find out how your upper and lower teeth lined up. It is used to diagnose anatomical abnormalities with the palate. This X-ray is also known for capturing all of your teeth in one shot.

3.  Panoramic

Professionals use this technique to check a patient’s wisdom teeth by rotating the machine around the head of the patient. Your dentist may also use panoramic X-rays to find out the jaw problems.

4.  Periapical

Suppose, if you are facing an issue with your two front teeth, Periapical X-rays will be beneficial in that situation. This technique is used to focus on two complete teeth, from root to crown.

If your dentist thinks that the problem lies in the areas outside of your gums and teeth, there would be no use of the X-rays mentioned above. Your dentist will use Extraoral X-rays to find the problems in your jaw.

Reputed dentistry like Smile Ville will guide you through every step of the X-ray process. They are popularly known for diagnosing your oral health problems through a dental digital X-ray. They have a perfect team of experienced dentists to maintain your beautiful smile.

Health Benefits of Using X-rays for Dental Checkup

1.  Shows Small Decayed Areas

If you have small decayed areas between your teeth, they can’t be investigated with the naked eye. In this situation, X-rays will help your dentist to find out your cavities present between your teeth.

2.  Detects Decay Beneath Fillings

Decay beneath fillings is also known as recurrent decay that forms under existing crowns and fillings due to leakage around the dental restorations. These decay fillings can’t be diagnosed with naked eyes or other tools.

Your dentist will use a dental X-ray to find out the problem and will do the required procedure to maintain your oral health.

3.  May help in Finding Cysts and Other Types of Tumors

If you have undetectable cysts and other types of tumors in your mouth that are running your oral health, you can find them out through dental X-rays. Sometimes, certain types of cysts can cause difficulty in eating and pain in your mouth.

Therefore, you should visit your dentist regularly to maintain your oral health and detect an unidentified issue before it becomes a huge problem for you.

4.  Shows Bone Loss in the Jaw

You should know that your jaw contains tiny bones that support your oral functions. While there are many reasons behind jawbone loss, the most common causes are gum diseases and tooth loss. According to research, smoking can also affect bone density in the different body parts, including the jaw. Therefore, a dentist uses a dental X-ray to detect the jawbone loss caused by periodontal disease.

5. Helps to Detect the Position of Teeth

Dental X-rays play a major role in detecting the position of teeth to determine what kind of braces, tooth implants, or dentures would be perfect for your mouth.

How to Prepare for Getting Dental X-rays?

It is a common question patients ask before visiting a dentist for getting a dental X-ray. Before visiting dentistry, you need to brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean. It will help the person who will work inside your mouth.

The professional will ask you to sit in a chair by wearing a vest on your lap and chest at the dentistry. The professional at a dentist’s office set up an X-ray machine alongside your head that will record the images of your mouth. Some reputable dentists keep a special room for X-rays while others conduct the procedure in the same place where they run other procedures.

After Dental X-rays

After getting the images- in the case of a digital X-ray, the dentist will review them and find out the oral problems through them. If a professional is cleaning your teeth, the dentist may wait for you to share the results of the digital X-ray.

After finding the oral issues like cavity or tooth decay, the dentist will discuss the treatment options that you can get to keep your mouth healthy and hygienic.

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The Bottom Line

It is important to get regular dental X-rays to ensure a hygienic and healthy mouth like brushing and flossing. If you have health insurance, you may get dental X-rays every one or two years to maintain your oral health.

Getting a dental X-ray may not feel like much fun, but it plays an important role in detecting the underlying oral issues. If you experience pain or some other changes, you should immediately visit your dentist instead of relying on home remedies or traditional methods to cure the condition.

TGI Team

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